AL 04 - Molecular Physiology
Laboratory Activities - PlantStress Biotech INCT
Sequencing and integrating transcriptomes of model plants (Arabdopsis, Setaria) subjected to drought and high temperature during bioassays.
Validate the function of plant genes potentially involved in the mechanisms of drought tolerance in Arabidopsis, rice or sepia plants via overexpression or silencing strategies.
Generate PGMs from soybean, cotton and corn via strategies of overexpression or silencing of plant genes and evaluate the phenotype obtained regarding drought tolerance.
Phenotyping (greenhouse or field) maize, soybean and cotton populations resulting from crossing GM events to obtain proof of concept of drought tolerance and/or resistance to Spodoptera frugiperda, Helicoverpa armigera or Meloidogyne spp.
Generate PGMs from soybean, cotton and corn via strategies of overexpression or silencing of plant genes and evaluate the phenotype obtained regarding drought tolerance.
Organize, maintain and share an in vivo bank of the innovation assets obtained in the project shared by INCT members.
Joaquim Albenisio Gomes da Silveira
Team Leader
Dr. Joaquim works with Plant Physiology, with emphasis on the efficiency of photosynthesis mediated by redox metabolism, photorespiration and N assimilation under conditions of abiotic stress. He holds a Master's degree from CENA and a doctorate from ESALQ/USP. He was a post-doctorate fellow at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Plant Stress at ITQB/Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2014-2015). He was one of the cofounders of the Brazilian Society of Plant Physiology, and was President of the Organizing Committee of the III Brazilian Congress of Plant Physiology. He participated in the creation and publication of the Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology (1989), currently named Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology. Dr. Joaquim has published more than 150 scientic articles in international journals. He has trained over 29 doctorate students, 36 master students and has supervised 10 post-doctoral fellows. Nowadays, he is a professor at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) anda a CNPq 1A researcher. He is also the vice-coordinator of the Graduate Program in Biochemistr at UFC and the head of Plant Metabolism Laboratory at the same university.
Joaquim Albenisio Gomes da Silveira
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Campus do Pici - Bloco 907 - CeP 60440-900 - Fortaleza - CE
Phone number: +55 85 3366-9821