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foto de um campo de soja com um pivô central ao fundo


In order to facilitate the implementation and monitoring of INCT activities, it was subdivided into 10 specific objectives. Each objective will be developed by a group of institutions with expertise in component activities. The innovation actives coming from each objective will be analyzed for their patent potential and applied directly to the development of biotechnological products or stored in a bank of biotechnological actives of the Institute. The transfer of technology generated and the dissemination of the results obtained will be carried out throughout the duration of the project.

Foto de pessoas trabalhando no laboratório


Prospecting of new genes and molecules involved in drought tolerance and pest resistance

In-plant prospection of genes/molecules for drought tolerance.

Prospecting of genes/molecules for resistance to insect-pests.

Prospecting of genes/molecules for resistance to phytonematode.


Integration of in silico data related to molecules responsive to biotic and/or abiotic stresses and interspecies

Cross species.

Cross stress (abiotic X abiotic).

Cross stress (abiotic X biotic).

Cross stress (biotic X biotic).

Analista de informações
foto de um experimento em vaso dentro de uma casa de vegetação


Prospecting new regulatory sequences and epigenetic regulators responsive to environmental stresses


Validation of innovation actives in plant-model

Validation of innovation actives for drought tolerance.

Validation of innovation actives for nematode resistance.

Foto de plantas de tabaco em vaso
Foto montagem com uma plantação de algodão ao fundo e as etapas para a submissão de uma patente sobre a imagem


Analysis for intellectual property purposes and curation of innovation activess


Proof of concept and development of biotechnological products

Validation of innovation actives for drought tolerance.

Validation of innovation actives for nematode resistance.

Validation of innovation actives for insect resistance.

Validation of innovation actives for multiple resistance to drought and pests.

Obtaining proofs of concept of innovation actives for resistance to drought and/or pests.

Foto de cientista avaliando plantas em uma casa de vegtação
Foto de uma sala com muitos computadores e pessoas assistindo uma aula




Transfer to society



Mãos se juntando ao centro da foto em sinal de trabalho em grupo
Foto de várias pessoas em um congresso conversando



Foto montagem com um mockup de notebook exibindo a página inicial do site do INCT PlantStress Biotech

Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology

+55 61 3448-4902

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INCT PlantStress Biotech

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