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INCT PlantStress Biotech: Disseminating Knowledge in Educational Institutions

Dr. Ana Cristina Miranda Brasileiro from Embrapa – Cenargen, a member of the INCT PlantStress Biotech, has transfered and disseminated knowledge and technological innovations generated by INCT PlantStress Biotech to society through her participation in science education programs for elementary and high school students from public and private schools in the Distrito Federal (DF) and by welcoming these students for visits to Embrapa. Some of these actions include lectures on the topic “Biotechnology and Transgenics in our daily lives” in the following public schools in the DF: Centro de Ensino Médio Elefante Branco (Cemeb); Centro de Ensino Fundamental No. 01 do Cruzeiro and Centro de Ensino Fundamental 04 – Planaltina, and also Colégio Pódium, a private high school. Other actions included her participation in lectures and visits to Embrapa-Cenargen by students from Escola Polivalente, a public high school within Embrapa’s “Programa Portas Abertas”. These knowledge-transference actions to society are an important component of the INCT PlantStress Biotech and aim to bring science and biotechnology to the general public, mainly elementary and high school students and teachers. The ultimate goal is to integrate science and technology into the everyday lives of the citizens, contributing to the formation through enhanced perception, awareness, and the demystification of scientific subjects.

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