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  • Patents | inctplantstress

    Publications Patents ​ VASLIN,M. F. S. ; BARRETO-BERGTER, E.; SILVA NETO, M. A. C. ; MONTEBIANCO, C. B. ; BERNARDINO, M. C. ; MATTOS, B. B. ; CARVALHO, S. S. Patent: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: BR-1020170020452 , título: "COMPOSIÇÃO PRAGUICIDA, USO, MÉTODO DE CONTROLE DE PATÓGENOS DE PLANTAS, MÉTODO DE CONTROLE DE PROPAGAÇÃO DE INSETOS E PROCESSO DE OBTENÇÃO DE PROTEÍNAS DE FUNGOS", Instituição de registro: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Deposit: January 31, 2017; Patente garanted: September 20, 2022. VASLIN, M.F.S. ; BARRETO-BERGTER, ELIANA; MONTEBIANCO, C. B.; BERNARDINO, M. C.; SANTOS, J. L. J. COMPOSIÇÃO BIOINDUTORA, MÉTODO DE APLICAÇÃO DA COMPOSIÇÃO BIOINDUTORA E SEU USO. 2020, Brasil. Patent: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: BR-10202002635, título: "COMPOSIÇÃO BIOINDUTORA, MÉTODO DE APLICAÇÃO DA COMPOSIÇÃO BIOINDUTORA E SEU USO", Instituição de registro: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Deposit: 22/12/2020 ​ HEMERLY, A.S.; Cavalcanti, P.F.; Gong, P.; Nelissen, H.; Inze, D.; Grossi-de-Sa, M.F.; Basso, M.F.; Morgante, C.V.; Lisei-de-Sa, M.E. Method for promoting an increase in plant biomass, productivity, and drought resistance. US 2020/0347399 A1 . Deposit: May 4, 2020. Publication: November 5, 2020. ​ GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F.; Silva, M.C.M.; Fonseca, F.C.A.; Macedo, L.L.P.; Lourenco, I.T.; Albuquerque, E.V.S. Aparato e método de criação de larvas de insetos em laboratório. BR 1020130331120 B1 . Deposit: December 20, 2013. Patent granted: November 24, 2020. ​ GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F.; Oliveira, G.R.; Silva, M.C.M.; Rocha, T.L.; Magalhaes, M.T.Q. Molécula de ácido nucléico isolada, construção gênica, vetor, célula transgênica, método para obtenção de uma célula e de uma planta transgênica. PI 0906128-2 B1 . Deposit: July 24, 2009. Patent granted: March 17, 2020. ​ GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F.; Macedo, L.L.P.; Silva, M.C.M.; Almeida-Garcia, R.; Silva, L.P.; Vila, A. Pesticide. WO 2020/007450 A1 . Deposit: July 7, 2018, Publication: January 9, 2020. ​ GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F.; Macedo, L.L.P.; Pinto, C.E.M.; Leite, A.G.B.; Silva, M.C.M.; Lourenço-Tessutti, I.T.; Morgante, C.V. Método para produzir planta resistente a inseto praga e moléculas de ácido nucleicos utilizado para obtenção de tal planta através de dsRNAs relacionados a ecdise. PI 102020004312-9 . Deposit: March 3, 2020. ​ ROCHA, T.L.; Evaristo, R.G.S.; Grossi-de-Sa, M.F.; Silva, M.C.M.; Polez, V.L.P.; Roessner, U.; Bacic, T. Nematotoxic composition of synergistic effect, use of a nematotoxic composition of synergistic effect. US 9750247 B2, CN 105007725 B . Deposit: December 26, 2013 (US and CH). Patent granted: September 5, 2017 (US) and April 4, 2019 (CH). ​ REMER, R.A.; Margis, R.; Lima, M.C.; Coronha Lima M.; Alves-Ferreira, M. Produto farmacêutico e processo para sua produção. PI 03051978 . Deposit: November 13, 2003 (BR). Publication: November 4, 2019. ​ MACEDO, L.L.P.; Grossi-de-Sa, M.F.; Silva, M.C.M.; Almeida-Garcia, R.; Mendes, R.A.G.; Albuquerque, E.V.S. Increasing the efficiency of supression of gene expression by means of the use of RNA molecules with a stabilized structure. BR 10201700690-4 A2, WO 2018/184083 A1. Deposit: April 4, 2017 (BR) and March 29, 2018 (US). Publication: October 30, 2018 (BR) and November 11, 2018 (US). ​ ALVES-FERREIRA, Marcio; Agropecuária, E. B.; Bencke, M. ; Guimarães-Dias F ; Conforte, A. ; Nepomuceno A ; Grossi-de-As, M. F. . Composições e métodos para modificar a expressão de genes usando promotor de soja induzível por déficit hídrico em plantas. 2018, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: BR1020180037692, título: " Composições e métodos para modificar a expressão de genes usando promotor de soja induzível por déficit hídrico em plantas." Instituição de registro: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Depósito: 26/02/2018 ​ GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F.; Silva, M.C.M.; Del-Sarto, R.P.; Rocha, T.L. Mutantes de inibidores de alfa amilases isolados de Phaseolus vulgaris com propriedades de controlar insetos-praga, composições contendo tais mutantes e métodos de obtenção dos mesmos e de linhagens transgênicas. PI 1102841-6 . Deposit: June 8, 2011. Patent granted: November 26, 2018. ​ VASLIN, M.F.S. ; CORREA, R. L. ; VIDAL, M. S. ; BARROSO, P. A. V. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI-06001513 , título: "TESTE MOLECULAR VOLTADO PARA A IDENTIFICAÇÃO E O DIAGNÓSTICO, IN VITRO, DO VÍRUS RESPONSÁVEL PELA DOENÇA AZUL DO ALGODOEIRO (CLRDV)" , Instituição de registro: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Deposit : January 9, 2006; Patent granted : August 15, 2017. ​ GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F.; Coelho, R.R.; Firmino, A.A.P.; Macedo, L.L.P; Silva, M.C.M.; Lourenço-Tessutti, I.T. Método e composições para controle de insetos-praga em plantas por meio do silenciamento de genes da família da quintina sintase e da vitelogenina bem como alternativamente pela expressão do gene de uma toxina Cry. BR 102013032649-6 A2 . Deposit: December 18, 2013. Publication: February 10, 2016. ​ ​ ​ ​ GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F.; Silva, M.C.M.; Macedo, L.L.P.; Firmino, A.A.P.; Coelho, R.R.; Lourenço-Tessuti, I.T. Método e composições para controle genético de insetos-praga em plantas de algodão através do silenciamento de genes de quitina sintases. BR 102012033539-5 A2 , US 10182571 B2 and WO 2014/100879 A2 . Deposit: December 28, 2012 (BR), December 27, 2013 (US) and June 27, 2013 (WO). Publication: August 18, 2015 (BR), January 22, 2019 (US) and January 3, 2014 (WO).​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F.; Guimaraes, L.M.; Batista, J.A.N.; Viana, A.A.B.; Fragoso, R.R.; Rocha, T.L. Composições e métodos para modificar a expressão de genes usando o promotor do gene da proteína de conjugação à ubiquitina de plantas de algodoeiro. PI 0701230-6 , US 2013/0152226 A1 . Deposit: February 5, 2007 (BR) and February 19, 2013 (US). Patent granted: June 26, 2018 (BR) and June 13, 2013 (US). ​ ​ ALVES-FERREIRA, M.; CRUZ, Fernanda Pinheiro da; Grossi-de-Sá, Maria Fátima ; ROMANO, Eduardo . UTILIZAÇÃO DO GENE HOMEOBOX DE CAFÉ CAHB12 NA PRODUÇÃO DE PLANTAS TRANSGÊNICAS MAIS TOLERANTES AO DÉFICIT HÍDRICO E ESTRESSE SALINO - INPI em 12/11/2009 - Protocolo nº 020100106005. 2010, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI020100106005, título: "UTILIZAÇÃO DO GENE HOMEOBOX DE CAFÉ CAHB12 NA PRODUÇÃO DE PLANTAS TRANSGÊNICAS MAIS TOLERANTES AO DÉFICIT HÍDRICO E ESTRESSE SALINO - INPI em 12/11/2009 - Protocolo nº 020100106005" , Instituição de registro: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Depósito: 12/11/2010; Concessão: 04/09/2019.​ ​ ​

  • AL03 - Márcio Alves Ferreira | inctplantstress

    AL 03 - Molecular Genetics Laboratory Activities - PlantStress Biotech INCT Integration of the transcriptome and sequencing of the model plant (Setaria) submitted to drought and high carbon dioxide content. Validate the expression of key genes in the metabolic pathways of plants response to combined stresses (biotic-biotic; biotic-biotic; abiotic-biotic) by qRT-PCR. Identify in silico promoters responsive to biotic and abiotic stress (drought and phytonematodes), with activity in different organs (root and leaf). Set up a vector bank with promoters directing the expression of reporter genes (GUS/GFP) in monocots and dicots. Validate promoters by transient transformation by biolistics or Agrobacterium rhyzogenes in target plants for in vivo testing of promoters (soybean, cotton and corn). Analyze the sequencing data to check the methylation status of gene promoters in the metabolic pathways of interest. Validate the function of plant genes potentially involved in drought tolerance mechanisms in Arabidopsis , rice or sepia plants through strategies of overexpression or silencing. Organize, maintain and share an in vivo bank of the innovation assets obtained in the project shared by INCT members. Márcio Alves Ferreira Team Leader Graduated in Biological Sciences with a BA in Genetics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1991), a PhD in Biological Sciences (Genetics) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/Ghent University (Brazil and Belgium/1997) and a Post-Doctorate in Genetics of plant development at the California Institute of Technology - Caltech (USA/2001). Full Professor at the Department of Genetics at the Institute of Biology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Has experience in plant genetics, with emphasis on Plant Biotechnology, working mainly on the following topics such as control of gene expression, abiotic stress and functional genomics. Accredited advisor in the postgraduate courses in Genetics (level 7) and in Plant Biotechnology and Bioprocesses (level 6) at UFRJ. He has supervised 25 Master's dissertations, 13 doctoral theses and 10 postdoctoral supervisions. Since 2010, he has been working as a member of the CAPES Biotechnology Area Committee in the postgraduate evaluation. Contact Marcio Alves-Ferreira Plant Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology Laboratory Bloco A, A2-93 Institute of Biology, Department of Genetics Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Universitária - CEP: 21941-617, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

  • AL14 - Rafael Galbieri | inctplantstress

    AL 14 - Field Phenotyping - Private Sector Laboratory Activities - PlantStress Biotech INCT Organize, maintain and share an in vivo bank of the innovation assets obtained in the project shared by INCT members. Phenotyping (greenhouse or field) corn, soybean and cotton population resulting from crossing with GM events to obtain proof of concept of drought tolerance and/or resistance to Spodoptera frugiperda , Helicoverpa armigera or Meloidogyne spp. Rafael Galbieri Team Leader Dr. Rafael is an agronomist graduated at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). He holds a master's degree in Agriculture from the Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC) and has a PhD degree in Tropical Agriculture from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). Since 2007, he is a researcher (phytopathologist) at Instituto Mato-Grossense do Algodão (IMA). In 2008, he became the coordinator of the Department of Phytopathology/Nematology at IMA. His research focuses on the management of diseases and nematodes in cotton, soybean and castor bean crops, working in different areas, such as gentic, biological, chemical and cultural control of pathogens. Contact Rafael Galbieri Instituto Mato-grossense do Algodão. Rodovia BR070 km 266 Zona rural 78850-000 - Primavera do Leste, MT - Brazil - Caixa-postal: 149 Phone: (66) 34973301

  • AL13 - Jaime Vasconcelos Cavalcanti | inctplantstress

    AL 13 - Field Phenotyping - Public Sector Laboratory Activities - PlantStress Biotech INCT Organize, maintain and share an in vivo bank of the innovation assets obtained in the project shared by INCT members. Phenotyping (greenhouse or field) cotton population resulting from crossing with GM events to obtain proof of concept of drought tolerance and/or resistance to Spodoptera frugiperda , Helicoverpa armigera or Meloidogyne spp. Jaime Vasconcelos Cavalcanti Team Leader He has a degree in Agronomy from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (1987), master's degree in Agronomy (Genetics and Plant Improvement) from the Federal University of Lavras (1997) and a PhD in Molecular Biology - University of Reading, England (2004). He is currently a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, acting as coordinator of the Platform Project for the development of transgenic cotton plants resistant to the boll weevil at Embrapa Algodão. He is a permanent professor of postgraduate courses in plant genetic improvement at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) and agricultural sciences at the State University of Paraíba (UEPB), teaching, in both, the discipline of Quantitative Genetics. He has experience in the area of Agronomy, with an emphasis on plant genetic improvement, mainly on the following topics: genetic improvement of white and colored cotton, quantitative genetics, transgenics, molecular genetics and genomic statistics. Carlos Alberto D. da Silva Agronomist from the Faculty of Agronomy and Zootechnics Manoel Carlos Gonçalves (1986) holds a master's degree in Agronomy (Plant Protection) from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1992), a doctorate in Entomology from the Federal University of Viçosa (2006) and specialization in management by Fundação Dom Cabral (2009). Approved in the public competition of the Faculty of Agronomy of Vale do São Francisco (FAMESF) of the State University of Bahia (UNEB) on March 21, 1994, he served as assistant professor teaching plant health for a year, when he left to take on the position of researcher at Embrapa. He has been a researcher at Embrapa Algodão since December 22, 1994 to the present day. At this research institution he served as Deputy Head of Research and Development from March 2008 to July 2013. Invited to work as a professor of the postgraduate course in Agricultural Sciences at the State University of Paraíba (UEPB) in August 2010 teaches agricultural entomology within the discipline of plant health of bioenergetic plants. He coordinated, participated and participates in several research projects related to the integrated management of cotton pests in partnership with public and private companies in Brazil, in addition to collaborating with international cooperation projects with African countries. He has experience in the area of Agronomy, with an emphasis on Agricultural Entomology, working mainly with biological control and plant resistance to insects. Jose Ednilson Miranda Agronomist from the State University of Londrina (1995), Master's degree in Zootechnics (Animal Production Concentration Area) from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1998) and PhD in Agronomy (Agricultural Entomology Concentration Area) from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Son (2001). Researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation since July 2002. He has experience in the area of Agricultural Entomology, working on the topics of integrated cotton pest management, biological control, insecticidal plants. Contact Jaime Vasconcelos Cavalcanti EMBRAPA Cotton Rua Oswaldo Cruz, n° 1.143, Bairro Centenário, CEP: 58428-095, Campina Grande, PB E-mail: Phone:+55 83 3182 4300

  • 4th Bio Iberoamérica

    < Back 4th Bio Iberoamérica 3-6 September 2024 BioIberoamérica 2024 will take place from 3-6 September 2024 in Monterrey, one of the most dynamic cities in the world, located in the northeast of Mexico, a region bordering the USA, characterized by a dynamic strategy for economics, social development, innovative, with educative institutions recognized globally and a great biotechnological sector including the main biotech cluster in Mexico. The event proposes a broad program of activities with oral presentations, poster sessions, round tables, workshops, and parallel technical sessions, to bring together experts to promote the exchange of experiences among the different actors of the biotechnology sector, to identify the demands of research, innovation and technology transfer. The BioIberoamerica congress has been organized successfully in Iberoamerican cities such as Salamanca, Spain in 2016; Brasilia, Brazil in 2018; and Braga, Portugal in 2022, mainly due to the collaborative effort of biotechnological associations from Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain. The congress is been organized on its 4th edition by the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Mexican Association of Food Science (AMECA), and Bioprocessing MxLatam, a Mexican and Latin-American biotechnology network. Bioiberoamerica has become one of the leading biotech events in Iberoamerica, being the perfect setting for forging new partnerships, scientific and academic collaboration, and strengthening existing business relationships in the biotechnological global sector. BioIberoamerica 2024 will bring together more than 500 participants working in health, sustainable agri-food, and climate change solutions and biotechnological innovations. The event is attended by professionals, students, exhibitors, and investors. Visit:

  • AL11 - Antonio Costa de Oliveira | inctplantstress

    AL 11 - Biometrics Laboratory Activities - PlantStress Biotech INCT Integrate transcriptome data from monocotyledons (rice, maize, wheat, musa and sorghum) submitted to water deficit, generated by mass sequencing (Illumina-HiSeq) in previous projects. To identify in silico promoters responsive to biotic and abiotic stress. Assemble a vector bank with promoters driven the expression of reporter genes (GUS/GFP) in monocotyledons and dicotyledons. V alidate the function of plant genes potentially involved in drought tolerance mechanisms in Arabidopsis , rice or Setaria plants through strategies of gene overexpression or silencing. Organize, maintain and share an in vivo bank of innovation actives obtained in the project shared by INCT members. Laboratory Description​ The Plant Genomic and Breading Center was created in 2000 as a joint effort of the Plant Breeding and the Genomics Groups at FAEM UFPel. This effort has been working aiming for the balanced training of the next generation of plant breeders with molecular biology skills. The research group at PGBC is connected to the graduate Programs in Agronomy/Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Seed Science and Technology. Research Lines Plant Breeding: grasses, legumes, solanaceous, liliaceae. Genetics resources, genome and plant biotechnology. Our Team Antonio Costa de Oliveira Team Leader Graduate in Agronomy from Universidade Federal de Pelotas (1986), MSc in Agronomy/Genetics and Plant Breeding from Universidade de São Paulo (1988), PhD in Genetics from Purdue University (1996) and Post-doctoral studies at University of Georgia/Department of Genetics (2007). Professor at UFPEl and CNPq Research Fellow level 1A. Has experience in Agronomy, focusing on Plant Improvement, acting on the following subjects: cereal genomics, rice, oats quantitative traits, breeding and variability. Has many scientific collaborative research works with USA, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, England and Mexico. Camila Pegoraro Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Pelotas (2008), Master in Food Science and Technology from the Federal University of Pelotas (2010) and PhD in Agronomy - area of concentration in Plant Genetic Improvement - from the Federal University of Pelotas, with period sandwich at the Università degli Studi di Padova (2012). She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas, an area of expertise in Plant Genetic Improvement. Luciano Carlos da Maia Agronomist with a PhD in Agronomy-Plant Breeding from FAEM/UFPel, where he currently works in the Department of Plant Science as Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding. He is a member of the Graduate Programs in Agronomy UFPel and Graduate Studies in Science and Technology of UFPel Seeds and collaborates with Research on Abiotic stress in rice in the Graduate Program in Plant Physiology - UFPel. Collaborates in the White Oat and Black Oat Breeding Program at the Genomics and Breeading Center - FAEM/UFPel. Develops studies of conventional breeding and quantitative genetics (rice and corn) and also studies in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, for the characterization of the genetic networks involved in abiotic stress (stress by salinity, by cold and iron in rice) and grain quality in rice . With corn, he has been carrying out studies for the phenotypic and molecular characterization of populations of Creole varieties from the southern half of RS, including studies with different genetic designs such as Full Brothers, Half Brothers and NC. He has experience in Bioinformatics (programming, databases and Linux OS) and Agricultural Experimentation. He was coordinator of PPG-Agronomia-UFPel between 2015-2017. Research Productivity Scholarship (PQ-2) in the notice 12/2017. Post-doctorate at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Contact Antônio Costa de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Pelotas - Genomic and Breeding Center Campus UFPel - P.O. Box 354 - Postal Code 96160-000 - Capão do Leão, RS - Brazil E-mail: Phone:+55 53 3275-7263

  • AL05 - Patrícia Messenberg Guimarães | inctplantstress

    AL 05 - Plant-Pest Interaction Laboratory Activities - PlantStress Biotech INCT Sequencing transcriptomes associated with the response to drought of native species in Brazil (wild peanuts, pitangueira, Clúsia; and cashew) by large-scale sequencing. Identify and select in silico candidate genes related to drought tolerance of native species (wild peanuts, pitangueira, Clúsia, and cashew). Identify InDels and SNPs in candidate genes of native species associated with the drought response (wild peanuts, pitangueira, and cashew). Validate in vitro the expression profile of candidate genes for tolerance to drought obtained from native species in Brazil (wild peanuts, pitangueira, Clúsia, and cashew). Select vital genes/molecules for gall nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) by analyzing their genome. Select potential genes involved in resistance from contrasting genotypes (peanuts, soybean, rice, cotton and coffee). Integrate legume transcriptome data (beans, soybean, and peanuts) submitted to water deficit, generated by mass sequencing (Illumina – HiSeq) in previous projects. Integrate transcriptome data from resistant genotypes (beans, soybean, rice, coffee, and peanuts) infected by nematodes, generated by mass sequencing (Illumina – HiSeq) in previous projects. Sequencing and integrating transcriptome of drought tolerant genotypes of Musa spp., Arachis spp., and cowpea subjected to water deficit combined with biotic stress (Meloidogyne spp. or Mycosphaerella ) in bioassays. Validate the expression of key genes in the metabolic pathways of plants' response to combined stresses (biotic-biotic; biotic-biotic; abiotic-biotic) by qRT-PCR. Sequencing on the Illumina platform a fraction of small RNAs, and their target mRNAs, and circular RNAs of plants (Arachis ; Musa ; soybean; pitangueira; cashew tree) subjected to biotic and/or abiotic stresses. Analyze sequencing data to check methylation status of gene promoters in the metabolic pathways of interest. Validate the function of plant genes potentially involved in the mechanisms of drought tolerance in Arabidopsis , rice or sepia plants via overexpression or silencing strategies. Validate the function of plant genes potentially involved in nematode resistance mechanisms via overexpression or silencing strategies. Validate the function of nematode genes potentially involved in the parasitism mechanisms, via gene silencing strategies in model systems. Assess the potential of biotechnological assets generated for the purpose of intellectual protection. Patent the use of genes and gene elements validated during the project Organize, maintain and share an in vivo bank of the innovation assets obtained in the project shared by INCT members. Laboratory Description​ The Plant-Pest Interaction Laboratory conducts studies on the interaction of plants with biotic and abiotic stresses, aiming at elucidating the changes in the cellular, biochemical, physiological and molecular machinery of plants, which occur in response to different stresses, combined or not. In addition to prospecting and identifying genes, regulatory sequences and molecules involved in plant tolerance/resistance responses to one or more stresses, research group performs the validation of function of these assets in model plants and methods are developed and improved for the validation of these assets in target plants, which will enable the development of cultivars more adapted to different environmental conditions. Research Lines Prospecting for genes/molecules or peptides of interest for the control of drought and pests in wild peanut germplasm (Arachis spp.). Prospecting of target molecules in phytoparasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) for pest control. Prospecting for small RNAs in plant genotypes that are resistant/tolerant to pests and drought that may be involved in these stresses. Prospecting for molecules and peptides that are efficient in controlling pests and tolerating water deficit simultaneously (cross-stress). Vallidation of assets due to their overexpression or gene silencing in model plants for analysis and validation of their function. Our Team Patrícia Messemberg Guimarães Team Leader Graduated in Agronomy from the University of Brasília (1985), master's degree in Phytopathology from the University of Brasília (1987) and doctorate in Molecular Biology - University of London (1997). She did post-doctorate in plant genomics at CIRAD (France) in 2006. She is currently a collaborator at the University of Brasilia (Unb) and Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB) and researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation since 1989. The main research areas include Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Plant-pathogen interaction, and works mainly on the following themes: structural and functional genomics of legumes, Arachis genomics, plant resistance, plant tolerance to water stress, genetic maps, and molecular characterization of plants. She is coordinator of several national and international projects in the field of genetics and genomics of legumes and plant-pest interaction. Ana Cristina Miranda Brasileiro Graduated in Forestry Engineering from the University of Brasília (1986), Master in Molecular and Plant Cell Biology - Universite de Paris XI (Paris-Sud) (1988) and PhD in Molecular and Plant Cell Biology - Universite de Paris XI (Paris-Sud ) (1992). He is currently a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation. From 2002 to 2006 she worked as a researcher at Labex-Europa at Cirad (France). He has experience in the field of Genetics, with an emphasis on Plant Genetics, working mainly on the following themes: genetic transformation, plant biotechnology, Agrobacterium biology, gene expression and genomics. Since 2006, she has been coordinator in Brazil of the International Consortium in Advanced Biology (CIBA), an initiative of Agropolis (France) and Embrapa (Brazil), whose objective is to create and consolidate an efficient strategy of international scientific and technical cooperation, to study and explore the diversity in genetic resources of plants and to identify important genes and characteristics essential for genetic improvement programs in Tropical and Mediterranean agriculture. From 2008 to 2014 he participated as an external member of the Scientific Council of the Department of Biological Systems (BIOS) of Cirad/France and since 2016 he has been an external member of the Scientific and Strategic Council of Cirad/France. Ana Claudia Guerra de Araújo Researcher Ana Claudia Guerra de Araujo has a degree in Biology from the University of Brasília (1987), a PhD in Biological Sciences (Biophysics) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1994). Since 1994 she is a Researcher at Embrapa, at Cenargen, where she has been working with the interface between cellular and plant molecular biology at the Microscopy Laboratory. He has a post-doctorate in Australia (CSIRO, 2001) where he worked with molecular and cellular techniques in plant reproduction and in England (University of Leicester, 2011), where he worked with plant molecular cytogenetics using the microscopy tool. At Embrapa, he develops research in the area of ​​plant reproduction, through studies of morphology, cell biology and ultrastructure of developmental biology, involving techniques of cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry, cytogenetics, in situ hybridization associated with microscopy. It is also involved in studies on the plant-pathogen interaction, responses to biotic and abiotic stresses and quality in Arachis, determining factors for the success of a productive and sustainable agriculture. André Southernman Teixeira Irsigler Graduated in Biological Sciences (2000), Master (2002) and Doctorate (2007) in Genetics and Breeding from Universidade Federal de Viçosa, with a sandwich period at North Carolina State University, and Post-doctorate at Florida State University. He is a researcher at Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, and is involved in the areas of regulation of gene expression and developmental biology. Contact Patricia Messenberg Guimarães EMBRAPA Genetic Resources and Biotechnology W5 Norte Avenue (end) - P.O. Box 02372 - Postal Code 70770-917 - Brasília, DF - Brazil E-mail: Phone:+55 61 3448-4787

  • Agricultural Technology Revolutionizes Sustainable Production

    < Back Agricultural Technology Revolutionizes Sustainable Production Young scientists associated with the INCT PlantStress Biotech bring Embrapa's innovations to the university. In recent times, Biotechnology has accelerated the genetic advancement of plants. The techniques employed in biotechnology have enabled the development of crops through gene incorporation. These genes not only enhance productivity but also provide resistance to drought, pests, diseases, and herbicides. Until the early 2000s, over 8,000 improved varieties were created for the 11 main globally cultivated plants. The adoption of these genetically enhanced plants resulted in a 21% increase in production in all developing countries between 1961 and 1980. In the period from 1981 to 2000, this growth reached an astonishing 50%. Genetic editing and the challenge of climate change Genetic editing allows for the creation of crops resistant to pests and diseases, reducing dependence on environmentally harmful pesticides. Additionally, it is feasible to develop plants that thrive in adverse conditions, such as acidic soils or water scarcity, making agriculture more adaptable to climate changes. In this way, for each plant species, there is a wide variety of cultivars, each with characteristics that favor their productivity in specific regions. This is why we can cultivate grapes, for example, in different regions of Brazil, such as the South, Southeast, and Northeast. Genetic editing is already generating new varieties better adapted to current climate conditions and will continue to enhance agriculture's productivity and climate resilience in the coming decades. The benefits of this approach go beyond adapting to climate change. New cultivars developed with CRISPR technology, for example, also play a fundamental role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, decreasing the use of agricultural inputs, and preventing food waste, factors that support environmentally friendly agriculture. Sharing ideas and disseminating knowledge The integration of advanced technologies into agricultural sciences has become a topic of increasing relevance, offering significant opportunities to improve the production of natural resources, such as food, fibers, and renewable energy, while striving to protect and preserve these crucial resources for present and future generations. To promote the discussion of these topics and disseminate knowledge among students and future agribusiness professionals, the XVIII Agricultural Sciences Week, IX Research and Graduate Studies Conference in Plant Production, and VII Plant Genetics and Cytogenetics Conference had the theme "The Challenges of Incorporating Technological Tools: Production and Preservation of Natural Resources." The event, held at the South Campus of the State University of Goiás (UEG) from October 2nd to 6th, 2023, brought together professors, students, and technicians from the Ipameri Unit and other UEG units, as well as representatives from local and regional commercial institutions. During the event, Dr. Thuanne Pires Ribeiro, MSc. Luanna Pinheiro de Albuquerque Freitas Bezerra, and MSc. Valdeir Junio Vaz Moreira conducted the course "Genome Editing for Bioproduct Production," in which they taught university students the most advanced techniques for genetic transformation and editing in cultivated plants. Covering everything from fundamental principles of biology to the development of protocols for obtaining transgenic plants, these young researchers shared their knowledge and inspired students in the fields of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering at the institution.

  • AL01 - Robert Neil Gerard Miller | inctplantstress

    AL 01 - Genomics and Proteomics Laboratory Activities - PlantStress Biotech INCT Integration data from monocotyledon transcriptome (rice, corn, wheat, Musa and sorghum) submitted to water deficit, generated by mass sequencing (Illumina - HiSeq) in previous projects. Integration of transcriptome data from drought-tolerant genotypes of Musa spp., Arachis spp. and cowpea subjected to water deficit combined with biotic stress (Meloidogyne spp. or Mycosphaerella ) in bioassays. Integration and sequencing of transcripts of fungus-tolerant genotypes in environments subjected to multiple stresses (Musa X Mycosphaerella musicola and Fusarium oxysporun ). Validation of key genes expression in the metabolic pathways of plants' response to combined stresses (biotic-biotic; biotic-biotic; abiotic-biotic) by qRT-PCR. Small RNAs, mRNAs and circular plant RNAs sequencing from Arachis , Musa , soybean, pitangueira, and cashew, previously subjected to biotic and/or abiotic stresses, using the Illumina platform. Validation of plant genes function potentially involved in drought tolerance mechanisms in Arabidopsis , rice or Setaria plants by overexpression or silencing strategies. Organize, maintain and share an in vivo bank of the innovation assets obtained in the project shared by INCT members. Laboratory Description​ The Genomics and Proteomics Laboratory studies the prospection and identification of new genes, regulatory sequences and molecules involved with the resistance/tolerance responses of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses, aiming at the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of plants that occur in response to different stresses, combined or not. The research group also performs fucntion validation of these assets in model plants. Research Lines Prospecting genes/molecules of interest for pest and drought control in wild germplasm of Musa spp. Prospecting target molecules in phytoparasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and phytopathogenic fungi (Pseudocercospora spp.) for pest control​. Prospecting for small RNAs in plant genotypes that are resistant/tolerant to pests and drought that may be involved in responding to these stresses​. Prospecting for genes/molecules that are efficient in pest control and tolerance to water deficit simultaneously (cross-stress).​ Validation of prospective innovation assets by their overexpression or gene silencing in model plants for analysis and validation of their function​. Robert Neil Gerard Miller Team Leader Graduated in Biological Sciences - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK (1990), Master in Plant Protection - University Of Bath, UK (1991) and PhD in Molecular Biology and Phytopathology - University of Reading, UK (1995). He is currently Associate Professor I at the University of Brasilia (Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Department of Cellular Biology), supervising the Graduate Programs in Molecular Biology, Phytopathology and Microbial Biology. He worked between 2014 and 2016 as Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Molecular Biology (CAPES concept 6). He works as editor for the journals Annals of Botany and Tropical Plant Pathology, he is coordinator of national and international projects, mainly in the following themes: functional genomics of plants and microorganisms; search for genes for resistance to biotic stress in plants; and characterization of phytopathogenic and mycotoxigenic fungi. Contact Robert Neil Gerard Miller Microbiology Laboratory: Plant-Prague Interaction, Bloco I-1-35/8, Institute of Biological Sciences, Department of Cell Biology, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte, Postal Code 70910-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil.

  • Management | inctplantstress

    The Team Maria Fatima Grossi-de-Sa Coordinator Ph.D - Researcher Embrapa Genetic Resources Biotechnology (Embrapa Cenargen). ​ ​ Expertise: Plant biotechnology; Plant genetic engineering; Functional genomics; Insect nanobiotechnology; Plant genome editing; Heterologous proteins. Info Rogério Margis Vice-coordinator Ph.D - Full Professor Department of Biophysics and Biotechnology Center, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Expertise: Plant molecular biology; Interfering RNA; Biotechnology. Joaquim Albenísio G. Silveira Vice-coordinator Ph.D - Full Professor Departament of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Expertise: Plant molecular physiology; Plant biochemistry; Water stress; abiotic stresses. Management Committee Maria Fatima Grossi-de-Sa (Coordinator): Ph.D - Researcher, Embrapa Genetic Resources Biotechnology (Embrapa Cenargen); Expertise: Plant biotechnology; Plant genetic engineering; Functional genomics; Insect nanobiotechnology; Plant genome editing; Heterologous proteins. Ana Cristina Miranda Brasileiro: Ph.D - Researcher, Embrapa Genetic Resources Biotechnology (Embrapa Cenargen); Expertise: Plant molecular biology; Functional genomics; Plant genetic transformation. ​Antonio Costa de Oliveira: Ph.D - Full Professor, Genetic Department, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL); Expertise: Functional and structural genomics; Molecular breeding.​ Patrícia Messenberg Guimarães: Ph.D - Researcher, Embrapa Genetic Resources Biotechnology (Embrapa Cenargen); Expertise: Molecular genetics; Plant molecular biology; Functional genomics. ​Márcio Alves Ferreira: Ph.D - Full Professor; Genetic Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Expertise: Plant genomics, Biotechnology.

  • AL08 - Maria Helena Bodanese Zanettini | inctplantstress

    AL 08 - Plant Transformation Laboratory Activities - PlantStress Biotech INCT Identify in silico promoters responsive to biotic and abiotic stress. Clone promoters responsive to drought and phytonematodes with activity in different organs (root and leaf). Validate promoters by transient transformation by biolistics or Agrobacterium rhyzogenes in target plants for in vivo testing of promoters (soybean, cotton and corn). Validate promoters by stable transformation in target plants for in vivo testing of promoters identified as promising in previous tests (soybeans, cotton and corn). Organize, maintain and share an in vivo bank of the innovation assets obtained in the project shared by INCT members. Generate GM soybean, cotton and corn via strategies of overexpression or silencing of plant genes and evaluate the phenotype obtained regarding drought tolerance. Generate GM soybean and cotton via strategies of overexpression or silencing of plant genes and evaluate the phenotype obtained for resistance to nematodes. Generate GM soybean, cotton and corn via toxin overexpression strategies and evaluate the phenotype obtained regarding the control of Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera frugiperda . Laboratory Description​ Research efforts in our laboratory have focused on prospecting and characterization of genes involved in plant response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Emphasis: Soybean (Glycine max ), Jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis ) and Solanum nigrum . Approaches: Gene expression analysis; Gene silencing; Overexpression; Subcellular localization of gene products. For genetic transformation, we use mainly particle bombardment, but we are gaining experience on Agrobacterium -mediated transformation. Embryogenic tissues are used as targets for transformation. Research Lines Characterization of soybean genes involved in flood and drought tolerance. Overexpression of Jaburetox and Soyuretox, urease-derived peptides, for plant protection against insects, fungi and nematodes. Characterization of WRKY soybean genes responsive to water deficit and study of their promoters. • Expression of a gene that encodes an osmotin, isolated from Solanum nigrum, aiming enhanced drought tolerance in soybean. Our Team Maria Helena Bodanese Zanettini Team Leader She holds a degree in Natural History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1972), a master's degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1975) and a PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul ( 1982). Retired Full Professor at the Department of Genetics at UFRGS. She is currently Professor/Advisor of the Graduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the same University. Has experience in the field of Genetics, with an emphasis on Plant Genetics, working mainly in the lines of research: 1) Prospection of genes, tissue culture and genetic manipulation of plants; 2) Genetics, evolution and conservation of plants. Interested in the following topics: soy; somatic embryogenesis; anther culture; genetic transformation; biolistics; Agrobacterium system; co-transformation; transgenic plants; functional genomics; insect resistance; fungus resistance; genetic variability; population structure; plant cytogenetics; meiotic behavior; playback mode; fertility. Christian Bredemeier Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Master in Plant Science from UFRGS and PhD in Plant Nutrition/Precision Agriculture from the Technical University of Munich - Weihenstephan (Freising, Germany). Currently is Associate Professor at the Department of Crop Plants / UFRGS and Professor at the Graduate Program in Phytotechnics at UFRGS and at the Graduate Program in Precision Agriculture at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Coordinates the Digital Agriculture Study Group (GEAD / UFRGS) and is a founding partner of the Brazilian Institute of Bioeconomy (INNBIO). Currently, is President of the Brazilian Commission for Precision and Digital Agriculture - CBAPD/MAPA (Period 2021-2023), Scientific Deputy Director of the Brazilian Association for Precision and Digital Agriculture - AsBraAP (Period 2020-2024), Member of the Chamber of Agro 4.0 and Member of the Network of Mentors in Innovation at ZENIT - Scientific and Technological Park of UFRGS. He was Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Phytotechnics / UFRGS, in the period 2017-2021. Areas of expertise: Precision Agriculture and Digital Agriculture, variable rate nitrogen fertilization, ecophysiology and crop plant management, sensors, remote sensing and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Contact Maria Helena Bodanese Zanettini Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Campus do Vale, Bento Gonçalves Avenue 9500, Building 4342212, Postal Code 91501-910, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil E-mail: Phone number: +55 51 3008-6725

  • Events | inctplantstress

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